Saturday 2 September 2017

The truth and the way

All life is a product of will; Will to survive, will to procreate, will to fight, will to sacrifice, will to power.
 Where will is lacking life is lacking.
Just as all life arises and continues through will, all power to act in life is a manifestation of Will.
All power and the will that creates it must eventually be expressed as physical violence when it encounters sufficient resistance.
 This is observable and irrefutable.
 Violence is natural law.
Honest violence is the ultimate expression of life/will/power and only the violent can honestly act.
 The merchant must buy violence.
 The weak must appeal to sentiment.
 Lacking direct violence of their own the merchant, the pathetic, the seductive and the soft will always try to subvert the violent for their own convenience like a parasite that rewrites the brain of its host.
  Only the violent can honestly act but remember, healthy violence is a tool not a master and without a purpose it becomes degenerate.
 Violence contains no morality, it isn't right or wrong and carries no judgement. Violence is simply the fundamental mechanism that governs all life.
 Violence must be guided by will in accordance with natural law in the name of our people.
This is the truth and the way:
        Oh my brothers, the Universe belongs to violence and the violent will always rule it.
"It is not bad, it is high time,
Stark violence is still the sire of all the world’s values"
The Bloody Sire, Robinson Jeffers

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